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The first three years of your child’s life are a few of the most important.

During these important developmental years, your child is experiencing the world for the very first time – and this can shape much of his or her future.

Early Head Start can help you guide your child’s early years as you lay the foundation for your child to be ready to enter Pre-K.

What to expect

Your friendly, professional Home Visitor will empower you to become your child’s first teacher, guiding you as you help your child reach key milestones, from rolling over to saying those special first words.

Through this free program, you’ll receive:

  • One-on-one parenting support in the comfort of your home
  • FamilyTime gatherings twice a month, where you can develop friendships with other parents
  • Ongoing assessments to track key developmental milestones
  • Regular assessments to prepare your child for school
  • Access to qualified professionals ready to help when you have questions about your child’s nutrition, behavior or development
  • Newsletters with tips to help your child reach milestones, activities in the community and more
  • Opportunities to participate in the Policy Council, where you can be part of a professional team that makes decisions for the program

If pregnant, we help you prepare for the birth of your child (you can even have a doula, a volunteer who supports you during your final weeks of pregnancy and stays with you – to the extent you’re comfortable – during your baby’s birth!).

Through it all, you’ll nurture and strengthen your child’s first and most important relationship: the one with you.

Who qualifies?

Children under the age of 3 and pregnant women, including teens.

Your family qualifies if you:

  • Meet federal poverty guidelines, or
  • Receive public assistance (TANF, SSI), or
  • Are homeless, or
  • Have a child with a disability, or
  • Are caring for a child in foster care

Innovation in action

Strengthening Families and Nurturing Brighter Futures

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness about child abuse and neglect, and to educate communities and families about how to prevent it. Sadly, a child is abused or neglected every 48 seconds in America*. And rates of child abuse and neglect are 5x higher for children in families struggling […]

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Creating a Better Tomorrow through Literacy

Child literacy is not just about decoding words on a page; it’s a cornerstone of a child’s development and future success. Reading ignites the imagination, expands knowledge, and fosters critical thinking skills from a young age. Reading cultivates empathy and lays the foundation for communication skills. 80% of children living below the poverty threshold fail […]

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Expanding the GOOD and Strengthening Families through Advocacy

The 2024 legislative season brings new opportunities for our child advocates to continue CHS’s legacy of GOOD. Since our founding in 1902, our local and state leaders, advocates, team members and volunteers we have worked tirelessly to drive necessary policy changes and support the continuation of successful and effective programs that positively impact the lives […]

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