Virtual Programs
Pursuant to ss. 1002.20(6)(a) and 1002.45(1)(b), F.S., the district shall provide eligible K-12 students within its boundaries the option of participating in part-time and full-time virtual instruction programs. The following virtual education options may be available to students:
My District Virtual School (MDVS): is Nassau County’s franchise of FLVS. MDVS provides fulltime and part-time virtual education for students in grades 6-12. Instruction is provided by North East Florida Educational Consortium (NEFEC) teachers. Students may enroll in courses available through MDVS with guidance counselor approval and the credit will be awarded for successful completion of such courses. Access shall be available to students during or after the normal school day. MDVS must follow certain FLVS rules and procedures outside the authority of the NCSB and this plan. For scheduling purposes, students who take one or more MDVS courses are enrolled in school 7004, the District Franchise of FLVS.
K12 Florida, LLC: provides full-time and part-time virtual education for students in grades 6-12. Instruction is provided by K12 teachers. Parent(s)/guardian(s) or approved adult(s) of a student taking course(s) are expected to serve as the student’s learning coach. For scheduling purposes, students who take one or more K12 courses are enrolled in school 7001.
Florida Virtual School Virtual Learning Lab (VLL): is for students working on FLVS course(s) taught by FLVS instructor(s) during the school day at a brick-and-mortar school with a facilitator. There are three enrollment periods (Fall, Spring, and Summer). Students are not able to sign up for the VLL online and must register through their guidance counselor.
Florida Virtual School (FLVS): Flex provides students with access to online courses during and after the normal school day and through summer school enrollment. These courses are taught by FLVS teachers. The district does not provide instructional or technical support for these courses.
Apex Learning: is primarily used for credit recovery and grade forgiveness.
Visit the website listed below for additional information on each program offered to Nassau County Public School students.