CISV Jacksonville (founded 1976 helps participants develop skills to become informed, responsible and active global citizens to make a difference in our community and the world. We believe peace is possible through mutual understanding, and offer seven international programs starting at age 11. We also have a variety of local programs, including FACES of Jacksonville (brings together 10-12 year-olds from across diverse Jacksonville neighborhoods and backgrounds), Junior Branch and mini-camps. CISV Jacksonville is one of 20 CISV chapters in the US (only one in Florida) and one of 200 chapters around the world.
CISV (founded 1950 - is a global organization dedicated to educating and inspiring for peace through building inter-cultural friendship, cooperation, and understanding. In more than 60 years CISV has given countless children and young people the experience of their lives and the opportunity to build lasting friendships through its international educational programs.