The Tesori Family Foundation was founded in 2009 by former PGA TOUR player and current PGA TOUR caddie, Paul Tesori along with his then fiancee (now proud wife) Michelle, to give back to those in need in the Northeast Florida community. In early 2014, after the much anticipated arrival of baby Isaiah (and his extra special extra chromosome!), the foundation expanded to give back not only in Paul’s hometown community, but throughout the United States, adding specific programming for children with special needs including but not limited to children with the same diagnosis as Isaiah, Down syndrome. Having always had hearts committed to giving back, the Tesoris began by selecting several charities to support throughout the year, with focuses ranging from childhood homelessness to battered women’s shelters, from children battling disease like cancer to animal rescue charities like the Jacksonville Humane Society. With a passion for all things human and pet, the Tesoris can be found at just about any charity event in the area, especially those that are specifically designed to benefit children.