Angelwood assists families in caring for the special needs of their loved ones through a variety of programs suited to each person's individual goals. Founded in 1993, we have grown from one group home for three children with developmental disabilities to serving over 300 area families through our programs. Angelwood provides quality services such as residential group homes, respite care, behavior services, holiday/summer day camp, parents night out, adult day training, supported employment and transportation. All of our programs are designed with the unique individuals in mind and provide a continuum of care across the lifespan.
Drop off Programs:
Angelwood is offering parents with school age children with intellectual, physical, and developmental differences and their siblings some “off-time” during the school year.
We will make arts and crafts with the children and have other fun activities. A meal and snack will be served. This is YOUR time to get shopping done or have adult time. Our trained staff and volunteers from Angelwood will take the best care of your children. School-age children are eligible to attend. Please complete the pre-registration section below as soon as possible and return with a non-refundable $10.00 payment (per session) in order to save your child/children’s space. Once your child(ren)’s spot has been secured you will receive a registration packet with the necessary forms to be completed.
For more information, please call the Angelwood office at (904) 288-7259 during weekday business hours.