Beacon Pediatric Behavioral Health is a private practice in the Jacksonville, Florida area with a focus on providing psychological and behavioral health services to children and adolescents between the ages of 18 months and 21 years. They specialize in providing services to children with behavior difficulties, including disruptive behavior disorder diagnoses, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), as well as Autism Spectrum Disorders, anxiety, depressive symptoms, adjustment problems, and/or learning difficulties.
Beacon Pediatric Behavioral Health provides a range of services to meet your needs, including individual, family, and group therapy, cognitive-behavioral and behavioral therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) treatment, parent and teacher education in behavior modification, school consultation, and advocacy for special education student services. Additionally, the staff at Beacon Pediatric Behavioral Health have extensive training and experience conducting assessments as a means of gathering information on your child’s learning profile and providing treatment and educational recommendations, and also for diagnostic purposes. Evaluators are able to assess for Gifted placement, Learning Disorders, ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorder diagnoses, and Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Depending on need, the type of services provided, insurance coverage, and logistics, services may be provided in the clinic, home, school, or community settings.