The Main Library has a large children's area with places to play and climb, children's classes and events, and has an outdoor picnic area with fountain for lunching. Ride the skyway from San Marco to the Hemming Park exit and walk through the park to the library for a fun,
free ride! Library programs:
-The library collection includes books, audiobooks on tape and CD, videos and DVDs, and recorded music on tape and CD.
-A floor dedicated to Special Collections such as the new Morris Ansbacher Map Collection and the African-American Collection.
-It houses the Center for Adult Learning headquarters and classrooms, as well as the Talking Books Library.
-A spacious teen room, the Popular Library, and a beautiful Children's Area
-Other areas include an electronic classroom, an auditorium, and a multipurpose room, a conference center and an open-air courtyard.
-Self-service checkout machines near the circulation desk.
-Hundreds of public computers offering Internet access, word processing and online reference resources including the Library catalog.
-Wireless Internet access for laptops, notebooks, and PDA devices.
-There are several works of art.
-Various programs and displays for adult, teen and tween, school age, and early childhood are offered throughout the year.
Check the website for hours of operation.