In 1997, the City of Jacksonville increased their investment in the arts by allotting a percent-for-art in eligible city construction projects in an effort to add to the City’s public art collection. The ordinance designated an Art in Public Places Program (APP), which would be administered on behalf of the City by the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville. Together with the APP Committee and support from the Mayor, City Council and City Departments, Art in Public Places has acquired over 115 public artworks and memorials throughout Duval County. APP, through the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville, oversees the selection, installation, maintenance, and conservation of the artworks.
This program was designed to integrate a wide range of art into spaces that are free and accessible to the public. The City ordinance requires that a percentage of the collection be representative of the artists from Northeast Florida. The artworks contribute positively to Duval County’s evolving and vibrant urban landscapes. Through its collection and related programming, APP raises public awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of the arts through direct experiences.