The Morris Center is an all-inclusive neurodevelopmental treatment and assessment center. We help improve skills of children and adults who have difficulty with school or job success, e.g. poor reading, spelling, comprehension, writing, speech, math, sensory processing attention, behavior or social skills. Uniquely, The Morris Center uses a transdisciplinary team of caring professionals, individually tailored assessment and treatment, and a scientifically proven treatment program. This program makes long-term improvements of weak skills that may cause academic or job difficulties.
The Morris Center’s cutting-edge assessment model is transdisciplinary, client specific and aims to guide treatment planning. Our transdisciplinary assessment and treatment team includes professionals in child psychiatry, clinical psychology, neuropsychology, nurse practitioner, occupational therapy, special education, and speech-language pathology. These professionals design the assessment to identify an individual’s specific profile of strengths and weaknesses. Identifying clients’ strengths and weaknesses can uncover likely causes of their learning difficulties, poor academic performance or limited job success. Similarly, this profile guides The Morris Center’s selected treatment program.