The Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System/Crown Associate Center (FDLRS/Crown) is 1 of 19 associate centers that make up the statewide FDLRS network. The network supports educators, families and agencies working with children with disabilities and special needs. FDLRS/Crown, located in Jacksonville, Florida provides services to Clay, Duval and Nassau counties.
Services Include:
FDLRS Child Find provides assistance in identifying children not yet enrolled in the public school system who are suspected of having special learning needs. Child Find provides screening, assistance and information. There is never a charge for Child Find services
FDLRS Parent Services provides information, training, and support to districts and families, in order to promote effective parent participation in the education of children who are exceptional and/or have special needs.
FDLRS HRD plans and provides professional development, information, technical assistance/consultation and resources related to effective instructional strategies and models for the education of children and youth who are exceptional and/or have unique needs.
FDLRS Technology provides professional development, information, technical assistance/consultation and resources in the appropriate use of a variety of instructional, communications and assistive technologies for students, teachers, professional staff, and parents.