Stevens Puppets (Marionettes)
Description: Stevens Puppets is a professional marionette puppet company offering live marionette shows performed at your location Birthday parties, homeschool parties, schools, libraries, churches, festivals. Any event!
We perform a variety of classic children's literature and timeless fairy tales with marionettes, which are hand-carved wooden puppets on strings.
Our mission is to bring the art and joy of puppetry to children of all ages. Our marionettes bring these stories to life in a unique way that we want everyone to experience.Since our founding in 1933, we have been passionate about sharing our stories with children all over the world.
We look forward to continuing that tradition with the newest generation. It is our hope that you will join us in this endeavor, and that you will help us continue this tradition by booking a show with Stevens Puppets.
About Stevens Puppets:
The Stevens Puppets, (a standard in American marionettes) have been producing colorful and exciting marionette productions of the best-loved fairy tales and children's stories since 1933. Being the oldest and most watched puppet company in North America, Stevens Puppets boasts such unforgettable marionette stories as "Beauty and the Beast", "Goldilocks and
the Three Bears", "Rumplestiltskin", "The Wizard of Oz", "Pinocchio", "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", "The Sleeping Beauty", "Cinderella" and "Aladdin". All of the original marionette stories have been hand-carved of wood. All have been professionally costumed, artistically painted scenery, original props, all to enhance these wonderful puppets. Our marionettes have been touring for decades to schools. We are regarded by many as among the very best marionettes in the world!
Each story is 45 minutes in length, making it perfect for all ages. Our stories are so captivating that no matter the age of the child, they will sit spellbound watching these "little people" enact a play in front of their eyes, and never lose focus of the marionettes. Each story has a moral or life skill woven cleverly and discretely throughout the story. Every performance concludes with a demonstration of the marionettes by the puppeteers.
We look forward to bringing the magic of marionettes to your event.