Who we serve
The Brooks Pediatric Recreation Program serves any child, from birth to 17 years old, with any type of limitation/disability (physical, developmental, cognitive, sensory, and social).
How to participate
To register for the Brooks Pediatric Recreation Program, participants and families complete an orientation meeting with a member of our staff. The orientation meeting gives us a chance to identify a child’s ability, target goals, and ensure an appropriate match with activities. Once the registration and orientation process is complete, youth and their families will have access to all our year round programming.
To stay up to date with our classes, activities, and events, we recommend signing up for our digital newsletter. Just email us at PediatricRecreation@brooksrehab.org to be added to our mailing list!
The Brooks Pediatric Recreation Program relies heavily on volunteer support in order to provide a supportive and FUN environment FREE for to children and families in the community. Volunteers help us maintain a group setting with optimal ratio of adults/participants.
Volunteer opportunities are available for all our classes, sports, and special events. Please contact us directly if you are interested in volunteering.
Visit the website listed below for additional information.