HHH Ranch is a family-oriented barn located on the Westside of Jacksonville, FL. The Ranch provides riding lessons to children and adults with the opportunity to show and board. We specialize but are not limited to, Western Dressage. Western Dressage is a newer discipline which combines skills of Western riding with the sport of dressage.
At HHH Ranch our first priority is the relationship between the horse and the rider.
Each rider will: groom, tack up, ride, walk off, wash and turn out. There are various barn chores such as feeding, turning out, mucking out, and basic equine first aid.
Many of our students are homeschooled. By embracing the entire family we look to enrich your homeschooling experience. We focus on total horse care and responsiblity as well as riding and having fun. We are a supportive and diverse community brought together by a love for animals.