British Swim School is offering 50% off your registration fee when you mention Fun4FirstCoastKids!
Located at the LA Fitness on Atlantic BLVD and Kernan BLVD. Plenty of free parking.
Once you walk into the facility, you will be directed to the left of the pool and walk through the locker room. Amenities: 2 showers on deck. Bathrooms located in the locker room with parents.
Our Program:
Water Acclimation
Students are introduced to the pool and become comfortable in the water. In this stage, swimmers develop safe habits in a gentle and supportive aquatic environment.
Water Survival
Students are introduced to foundational safety and swimming skills. In this stage, swimmers become comfortable and confident in the water while learning to stay safe.
Stroke Development
Students are introduced to the four competitive swimming strokes. In this stage, swimmers continue to learn safety skills while working on stroke techniques.