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Jacksonville Childrens Theatre: Musical Theatre Workshop

  • When: Saturday, October 28, 2023, 10:00 am -  4:00 pm
  • Cost: $65 Registration

"Experience the magic of ”Take The Stage” a Musical Theatre Workshop hosted by Jacksonville Children’s Theatre! Learn from industry pros in acting, vocal, and dance. Rotate through three master classes, learning and receiving expert feedback. Instructor Jereme Raickett, a seasoned actor with an impressive portfolio both on and off stage, will spearhead the Acting class, imparting invaluable techniques and insights to budding performers. Meachum Lamar Clarke, a vocal virtuoso, will take charge of the Vocal class, helping participants discover and harness the power of their voices. Dewitt Cooper, a renowned choreographer and dancer, will lead the Dance class, teaching the art of movement and expression through dance. This workshop is your opportunity to train and grow as an performer. For any questions, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For tickets go to www.takethestageworkshop.eventbrite.com


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