Check the Jacksonville Public Library website for daily programs for children, teens and families.
Join SORBA Jax x Between the Trees MTB Coaching for Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day! The event is free! Join ...
Come join us for our annual craft fair, we will have 30 vendors from our Jacksonville Beach area. This is ...
Spark imagination with DIY-U kids' Firehouse Dog Bank workshop! Budding architects and future firefighters alike will delight in assembling this ...
Join us at the store to listen to a story with Ms. Dearsha, our Director of Children’s Merchandise and Programming.
Join us as we celebrate 35 years of our beloved pumpkin patch on Saturday, October 12th! We're kicking off the ...
Join us for Storytime each Saturday at 1:30PM. With different books read by our seasoned storyteller, Mrs. Donna, each week ...
Welcome to the Lil' Spook Fest - Kids Costume Contest at Keg and Coin! Get ready for a spooktacular time ...
Folks of all ages are invited for some spooky after-dark book hunting! Costumes are encouraged but not required.
Sign up for our weekly newsletter that lists the top family friendly events taken place that week, any upcoming events, current giveaways we are running and more!