Check the Jacksonville Public Library website for daily programs for children, teens and families.
Join us for Crafty Mornings at BrewHound! Kiddos will love crafting something new every Saturday! Mom's or Dad's must stay on ...
Come on out for some old-fashioned FREE fun at Christ Fellowship’s Second Annual Fall Festival 2024! Activities include: hayrides, petting ...
For over seven years, the Jax Beach Arts Market has connected local artists with the beaches community. Founded by the ...
The Right Whale Festival celebrates the annual return of endangered North Atlantic right whales to the warm coastal water off ...
On the first Saturday of each month, the San Marco Preservation Society and the San Marco Bookstore team up to ...
Join us at the store to listen to a story with Ms. Dearsha, our Director of Children’s Merchandise and Programming.
Join us for Storytime each Saturday at 1:30PM. With different books read by our seasoned storyteller, Mrs. Donna, each week ...
Join us every First Saturday of the month for an hour of brain-teasing fun! Get ready to put your knowledge ...
Sign up for our weekly newsletter that lists the top family friendly events taken place that week, any upcoming events, current giveaways we are running and more!